Narcissistic Relationship

Covert Narcissists are Adult Bullies

Bullying is NOT a kid’s problem. Someone recently said to me that we deal with bullies in our childhood. Teen years, there may be a few bullies here and there, but not really. By adulthood, we are past all that kid stuff. Well, this got me to thinking. Are we really past all the bullying behavior in adulthood? I sure don’t feel like we are.

7 Ways that a Covert Narcissist Reacts

Have you ever called a covert narcissist out for something they have done? How did that go? One of the most frustrating things ever is to try to get a covert narcissist to take any responsibility or to even listen to you in the first place. When you try to talk with them regarding how you feel about something they did, you can expect a large amount of pushback. Here are 7 ways that a  covert narcissist reacts.

Circular Conversations with a Covert Narcissist

Let me start by saying these aren't conversations. They are verbal competitions and even warfare. Narcissists don't use conversations to find understanding and compromise. They use them to win. These conversations are extremely planned and manipulated. There is absolutely no such thing as spontaneity. There is no place for this to be relaxed and natural chatting. No, it is war!

Covert Narcissism is the Invisible Abuse

Covert narcissistic abuse is a hidden abuse. It is invisible to the world around us. Our family and friends don't see it. Our neighbors don't see it. Our churches don't see it. Our therapists don't see it. The courts don't see it. And way too often, the victims don't see it either.  It is a gradual stealing of your right and ability to matter in this world. It is such tiny steps that it is not seen by the victim for years, decades or even a lifetime.

Setting Boundaries in Toxic Relationships

Setting boundaries is a skill that you must develop when dealing with a narcissist! It is a skill you need to have anyways, but the need for it is more prominent in toxic relationships.

Narcissists and other toxic personalities will take extreme advantage of anyone who shows the smallest sign of weakness in their boundaries.

How the Covert Narcissist Plays Rejection, Abandonment, and Abuse

The covert narcissist plays out rejection, abandonment, and abuse in extremely discreet and manipulative ways. It is so hidden that it takes years to see, if you ever see it at all. As their victim, you feel beaten down and empty and don’t even know why. Open your eyes and break out of their game!

Others have it much worse than me, shouldn’t I just be grateful?

It is so easy to talk ourselves into staying in a painful and abusive relationship for way too long. Just because someone else may be in a worse situation than you does not mean that you shouldn’t tend to your own pain and get help.

What Happens when a Narcissist Tries to “Fix” that Broken Relationship?

When does a relationship with a narcissist get worse? When that narcissist decides that they must “fix” the relationship. When they decide to “take charge” of making things right. This is a disaster! This is emotional abuse at its best.

Narcissists: Is it okay to love them and still walk away?

Narcissistic relationships are the most confusing things. The emotional roller coaster you find yourself on is unbelievable and crazy-making. At one point, this person was the love of your life. And you still see glimpses of that from time to time. Yet the abuse between those glimpses is devastating. Your heart feels like a ping pong ball ricocheting back and forth. In the midst of this chaos, please know that it is okay to have feelings for them and yet to still walk away!

How to Turn the Table on a Narcissist

Narcissists absolutely hate for the other person to be right. Especially if that person is a spouse, significant other, parent or child. Use their own desire to always be right and to always prove you wrong against them. Anticipate their irrational reactions before they happen and call them out on it ahead of time.

Narcissists and Emotions

Narcissists seem to have absolutely no emotional intelligence, inside themselves or with the world around them. They continuously stomp all over your feelings and don’t show an ounce of care about it. They can talk harshly and callously one minute and be confused as to why you don’t want to make love with them the very next minute. The confusion this creates is crazy-making!