An Epiphany

You are allowed to walk this Earth in peace just like everyone else. The gift of a peaceful life is every bit as present for you as it is for anyone and everyone else. You are not obligated to live under stress and abuse. You CAN choose to spend each individual moment of your life doing things that are peaceful and that make you happy. You CAN choose to spend your time and energy on things that make you feel positive, productive, compassionate, and connected to others. You ARE allowed to be you!!

This epiphany hit me right between the eyes one day. Of course, it is true!! This is my life! I am allowed to live it! This realization became more valuable to me than anything else in the midst of the narcissistic nightmare that I was living. It floated in and out of my grasp and remained elusive at times. But I continued to bring myself back to it over and over.

This epiphany creates the most amazing feeling inside when you truly connect with it. It is an overwhelming feeling of peacefulness. Each time you find it, it releases a little bit more of the tension and stress that has been in the body for years and years. It frees you from the effects of narcissistic abuse. It feels so wonderful that you will want to cling to it forever.