Grenade Inside a Tank

Someone who has experienced covert narcissistic abuse is like a grenade inside a tank. 

On the inside, you are wound up incredibly tight, over-thinking everything, over-analyzing everything, always anticipating the next disaster. Your mind is going a million miles per hour. “Should I say it this way? Should I say it that way? What if I phrase it like this or that? Should I tell them this? Should I keep it to myself? Will they be mad about this? Will that set them off?” Tighter and tighter, your mind is winding you up in a knot, just waiting to explode. 

Give and Take

Give and take is a normal and healthy part of a relationship. Everyone needs it. It is validation that the other person matters, is heard and cared for. We all need confirmation that we are being heard. We need to know that they get what we are saying, and we need to know that we matter to them.

Fight or Flight

The fight or flight reaction is a normal trauma response to a perceived dangerous and threatening situation. It is absolutely life-saving in extreme situations, such as running from a bear, escaping an intruder, or fleeing from a fire. Your stress hormones kick in. You are full on in survival mode. You have super strength, heightened senses, incredible focus, and an over abundance of energy. In the history of mankind, this reaction has saved countless lives and serves a great purpose.

Feeling of Superiority

Covert narcissists carry a huge feeling of superiority. Their attitude is, “I’m special, no one understands me, I’m ahead of my time, others can’t keep up.” This includes you. They feel that they are your superior and that you have to be “helped” by them. They feel that they are light years ahead of everyone else and that no one else can possibly keep up.

Everyday Do the Next Right Thing

I was in a 20 year marriage, and divorce had been coming for a long time. For a few years, my friends and family kept asking me when I was actually going to file. My answer was always, “I don’t know, yet but I am confident that I will know when it is time.” Every day it just didn’t feel right yet. That was okay, because every day I did the next right thing to get me closer to ready.